
The Teaneck Blog, together with the companion http://www.TeaneckInfo.com web site, informs Teaneck and area residents about events occurring in Teaneck through the Township and local organizations. No other source has the comprehensive, detailed information only available at TeaneckInfo.com! The ultimate goal is to foster greater involvement and participation in community activities. Events are included from the Township and other community organizations.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Garage Theatre Group"Seussical"Auditions: 9/24&25

Auditions for The Garage Theatre Group's Youth Conservatory Production of "Seussical" by Lynn Ahrens & Stephen Flaherty, directed by Sean Baldwin and Musical Direction by Gail Lou, will take place on Saturday, September 24th, from 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM and on Sunday, September 25th, from 3:00 - 8:00 PM. Auditions will be held at the Becton Theatre, located at 960 River Road in Teaneck on the grounds of Fairleigh Dickinson University. See http://tinyurl.com/26vc2 for a map of FDU's Teaneck campus, where the Becton Theater is identified as Building 14.

Actors and actresses ages 9 -19 should prepare a one minute monologue and a song (bring music...accompanies will be provided). Callbacks will take place on Tuesday, September 27th, and Thursday, September 29th, from 6:30 - 10:00 PM on both nights. First Rehearsal will be Thursday, October 6th, from 7:00 - 10:00 PM. Performances will be presented from December 9th to 18th at the Becton Theatre.

See http://garagetheatre.org/auditions.htm for the full set of forms (in downloadable format) that need to be completed and brought to the audition.Cast Fee: $265.00. Other Fees: $75.00 Costume Fee. Merchandise, tickets, and other ancillary costs not included. Parent volunteer hours are required.

Call 201-569-7710 or click on http://www.GarageTheatre.org for more about these auditions and upcoming productions from the Garage Theatre Group.

Alan Sohn NEW: Now available in convenient blog format at http://TEANECK.blogspot.com See http://www.TeaneckInfo.com for the complete Teaneck Community Calendar. Send your event to mailto:Events@TeaneckInfo.com for inclusion on the site. "Scientia Est Potentia"


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