
The Teaneck Blog, together with the companion http://www.TeaneckInfo.com web site, informs Teaneck and area residents about events occurring in Teaneck through the Township and local organizations. No other source has the comprehensive, detailed information only available at TeaneckInfo.com! The ultimate goal is to foster greater involvement and participation in community activities. Events are included from the Township and other community organizations.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Teaneck Community Education Center Programs This Week: 10/10-16

The Fall 2005 schedule of classes offered through the Teaneck Community Education Center kicks into high gear this week (through Sunday) with 25 new programs. Brochures were mailed out to Teaneck residents, and registration, both by mail and in person, is under way. See the brochure or click on http://TeaneckInfo.com/TCEC for the full listing of every one of the more than 200 courses, programs and tours offered this Fall.

TCEC classes are open to Teaneck residents and non-residents (except as noted) and are offered for children and adults. Unless notified otherwise, registration is automatic once the requisite tuition has been received.

The TCEC office, in the Teaneck Board of Education Central Administration Office at One Merrison Street, is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. The building entrance is at the corner of Merrison and Broad Streets. Click on http://tinyurl.com/m4rv for a Mapquest map of the location.

Class offerings starting this week (through Sunday) include the following. See the brochure or click on http://TeaneckInfo.com/TCEC for more details:

10/10 6:15 PM 1010-03 Chess for Absolute Beginners (Ages 7 to Teens) 10/10 6:30 PM 1010-01 Group Exercise Instructor Certification Course 10/10 7:45 PM 1010-04 Chess for Absolute Beginners 10/11 2:30 PM 1011-07 Puzzles & Plexers (Grades 1 - 4) 10/11 4:00 PM 1011-08 Puzzles & Plexers (Grades 5 - 8) 10/11 6:30 PM 1011-02 Real Estate Salesperson's Certificate 10/11 6:30 PM 1011-03 Body Sculpting - Beginner / Intermediate 10/11 7:00 PM 1011-01 Professional Voice-Overs: Getting Paid to Talk 10/11 7:00 PM 1011-05 Knit One, Purl Two 10/11 7:30 PM 1011-04 Body Sculpting - Intermediate / Advanced 10/11 8:30 PM 1011-06 K2 tog, YO (Advanced Beginner) 10/12 2:30 PM 1012-01 Little Scientists® I (Grades K) 10/12 3:15 PM 1012-02 Little Scientists® II (Grades K) 10/14 1:30 PM 1014-01 Ballet and Creative Movement (Ages 3 & 4) 10/14 2:15 PM 1014-02 Ballet and Creative Movement (Ages 4 & 5) 10/15 9:15 AM 1015-01 Long Island's Great South Bay Boat Cruise 10/16 9:30 AM 1016-01 Creative Movement (Ages 4 - 6) 10/16 10:15 AM 1016-02 Tap (Grades 1 - 6) 10/16 11:00 AM 1016-03 Ballet & Movement (Grades 1 & 2) 10/16 12:00 PM 1016-04 Ballet & Movement (Grades 3 & 4) 10/16 12:00 PM 1016-09 A Family Approach to ADHD 10/16 12:30 PM 1016-05 Emergency Care Plan 10/16 1:00 PM 1016-08 Central Teaneck History Walk 10/16 1:00 PM 1016-07 Treasures Underfoot 10/16 1:15 PM 1016-06 Adult CPR: Ages 9 Years - Adult

Alan Sohn NEW: Now available in convenient blog format at http://TEANECK.blogspot.com See http://www.TeaneckInfo.com for the complete Teaneck Community Calendar. Send your event to mailto:Events@TeaneckInfo.com for inclusion on the site. "Scientia Est Potentia"


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