
The Teaneck Blog, together with the companion http://www.TeaneckInfo.com web site, informs Teaneck and area residents about events occurring in Teaneck through the Township and local organizations. No other source has the comprehensive, detailed information only available at TeaneckInfo.com! The ultimate goal is to foster greater involvement and participation in community activities. Events are included from the Township and other community organizations.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Teaneck Public Library Teen Book Week: 10/16-22

October 16th-22nd is Teen Read Week, sponsored by the American Library Association. The theme for the week is "Get Real @ Your Library." Teaneck Library has planned several events for the week.

To carry out the theme of "Get Real" teens are invited to read a non-fiction book and write a short review. The reviews will be posted on the Internet.

On Tuesday evening, October 18th, students in grades 7 and up are invited to a jewelry making workshop at the Library. It will be hosted by Lori Neels. There is no fee for this program; materials will be provided.

For upperclassmen and college students, the library is hosting an evening with Josh Braff, author of "The Unthinkable Thoughts of Jacob Green." Braff will discuss his writing and his debut novel on Thursday, October 20th, at 7:30 PM. For more information about these and other programs visit http://www.Teaneck.org or call the Library at 201-837-4171.

Alan Sohn NEW: Now available in convenient blog format at http://TEANECK.blogspot.com See http://www.TeaneckInfo.com for the complete Teaneck Community Calendar. Send your event to mailto:Events@TeaneckInfo.com for inclusion on the site. "Scientia Est Potentia"


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