
The Teaneck Blog, together with the companion http://www.TeaneckInfo.com web site, informs Teaneck and area residents about events occurring in Teaneck through the Township and local organizations. No other source has the comprehensive, detailed information only available at TeaneckInfo.com! The ultimate goal is to foster greater involvement and participation in community activities. Events are included from the Township and other community organizations.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Holy Name Hospital Weight Reduction Program: 10/18 7-9PM

Behavior modification and hypnotic suggestion will be the basis for Holy Name Hospital's evening Weight Reduction Program on Wednesday, October 19th from 7:00 to 9:00 PM at Holy Name Hospital, 718 Teaneck Road, Teaneck in the Hospital Education Conference Room (Rosarii Hall). The fee for the course is $60 and includes a free audio cassette tape, plus revisits to future seminars for up to one year for reinforcement.

Using food to reduce stress or relieve boredom can lead to excess pounds sneaking up on you. Dieting alone does not address these reasons for overeating. Proven behavior modification and guided suggestion techniques will help you to make subtle changes to permanently reduce your weight. No diets, no restrictions, no feelings of denial, and no feelings of deprivation. Some of the topics covered in the course are: losing the desire for junk food, reducing stress, developing a new self-image and learning goal setting strategies.

Registration and pre-payment are required. For more information and to register, call Holy Name Hospital's Community Health Services Department at 201-227-6250 or visit http://www.HolyName.org for more details regarding this and other programs, events and services offered by Holy Name Hospital.

Alan Sohn NEW: Now available in convenient blog format at http://TEANECK.blogspot.com See http://www.TeaneckInfo.com for the complete Teaneck Community Calendar. Send your event to mailto:Events@TeaneckInfo.com for inclusion on the site. "Scientia Est Potentia"


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