Fellow Teaneck Resident,
The following meetings of the Town Council, Statutory and Advisory Boards
and Commissions are scheduled for this week. As meeting dates and times may
be subject to change, call the Municipal Clerk's office at 201-837-4806
before 4:00 PM the day of the meeting to confirm.
The Teaneck Township Council will NOT meet this week. The Council is
scheduled to meet next on Monday, November 7th at 8:00 PM in the Municipal
Building Council Chambers. Click on http://TeaneckInfo.com/Council for more
about the Council, including the agenda for Tuesday's session.
The Historic Preservation Commission (Herbert Otten, Chairperson) will meet
Thursday, October 27th at 8:00 PM in the Municipal Building Council
Chambers. See http://TeaneckInfo.com/Historic for more information,
including the meeting agenda (once posted).
The Township Planning Board (Ned Goldman, Chairperson) will meet Thursday,
October 27th at 8:00 PM at the Teaneck Public Library Auditorium (confirm
location before attending). See http://TeaneckInfo.com/Planning for more
information, including the meeting agenda.
Teaneck Municipal Court (James E. Young, Municipal Court Judge) is in
session Monday and Wednesday at 4:00 PM for Traffic Violations and on
Wednesday at 9:30 AM for all other violations. Court Sessions are held in
the Municipal Building Council Chambers. See http://TeaneckInfo.com/Court
for more information.
The following Advisory Boards and Commissions meet this week. Individuals
may attend meetings at the discretion of the Board Chairperson. Click on the
http://TeaneckInfo.com link provided with each meeting listed, for more
information about each of the Boards and Commissions.
Shade Tree Advisory Board (Nancy Cochrane, Chairperson) will meet Thursday,
October 29th at 7:00 PM in the Municipal Building Conference Room on the
lower level. See http://TeaneckInfo.com/ShadeTree for more information.
Any resident interested in serving on these or any of the other boards,
commissions or task forces is encouraged to complete an application form
which can be found on page 52 of the 2005 Municipal Services Guide,
available at the Municipal Building and online on the Township web site.
Submit the completed form to: Robyn J. LaMorte, Municipal Clerk, Township of
Teaneck, 818 Teaneck Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666.
Contact the Clerk's Office at 201-837-4811 (during regular business hours,
from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM) or at mailto:Clerk@TeaneckNJGov.org with any
questions or for additional information. Visit http://www.TeaneckNJGov.org
for more details about these and other Township activities.
Alan Sohn
Now available in convenient blog format at http://TEANECK.blogspot.com
See http://www.TeaneckInfo.com for the complete Teaneck Community Calendar.
Send your event to mailto:Events@TeaneckInfo.com for inclusion on the site.
"Scientia Est Potentia: Sapere Aude" (Knowledge is Power: Dare to Know)